Net Price Calculator Almost all colleges offer a net price calculator on their website. You can also use the Department of Education Net Price Calculator Center to search for a college's NPC.
College Navigator This website shows historical cost data on a majority of colleges. It also shares detailed information on how much money on average the college gives families AND how much of it is need based or merit based.
borrowing and loan repayment
Debt / Salary Wizard Interactive calculator that determines how much you can afford to borrow in student loan funds based on your future expected earnings and/or the salary you will need in order to afford your student loan payments.
Student Loan Comparison Calculator The Student Loan Comparison Calculator helps you evaluate and compare private or alternative loans. You'll learn how much it will cost you in the long run to take out different loans.
Parent Loan Repayment Calculator If you are considering borrowing for your child's education, this worksheet will calculate your monthly repayments based on the repayment period (in years), annual interest rate, and loan principal amounts you enter
Student Loan Calculator This calculator will help you understand your student loan repayments in relation to your possible starting salary.
Loan Simulator The loan simulator is a new tool to help you make decisions about your student loans. Use it to find a repayment plan that meets your needs and goals or to decide whether to consolidate.
award comparison
Compare Your Aid Awards Tool This calculator helps you to put all your college scholarship and aid information in one place to compare them side by side. It includes a place for grant and scholarship funds, loans, and work-study awards.
Award Package Comparison Worksheet A downloadable paper version of the Aid Offer Comparison with a glossary of terms from the Dept. of Education.