Maia Learning is a comprehensive college and career readiness solution that helps St. Vincent High School align student strengths and interests to post-secondary goals.
You will complete many counselor assigned tasks on Maia Learning such as self discovery assessments, updating resumes, performing college match searches, requesting transcripts and recommendation letters. Below are a few functions found in Maia Learning:
SELF-DISCOVERY ASSESSMENTS Self-discovery assessments help students develop confidence to lay the foundation for their life today, and their future. Career and interest assessments uncover strengths and unique skills, letting students see their own potential.
COLLEGE SEARCH College Search tools match students to colleges based on students’ interests and goals, and compares a student's academic profile to alumni who have applied to the same colleges. Maia Learning helps students find their best-fit college. ELECTRONIC TRANSCRIPTS Maia Learning allows counselors and advisors to securely send student application-related forms, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, school profiles and more, electronically to more than 2,000 colleges and universities.
Logging on to Maia Learning
The link to Maia Learning can be found to the right. To sign in to MaiaLearning, click "Log In" on the top right corner. On the login page, you will see four types of login options. Use the "sign in with google" to sign in using your SVHS email username and password. Matching Common App to Maia Learning If you are applying to any Common App schools, you will need to match your Common App account to your Maia Learning account starting on August 1 of your senior year. SVHS teachers and counselors will be able to send documents to Common App schools as soon as this is completed. See the video tutorials below for instructions on how to do this.